Quick & safe application for an SSIN number

Easy application for an SSIN number which will allow you to register foreign employees and monitor your file by means of a convenient overview page

How does it work?

Why use belgianIDpro?

You will receive an SSIN number through a quick and safe process using a handy tool that will provide you with a general overview at all times.

Discover all the advantages

How does it work?

Learn more on how it works and view the manual or instruction video.

To the manual

You do not have an employer’s account at the Social Security yet?

In order to get access to the online services of the Social Security, you must be registered as an employer. Discover here how to register your company.

How to register?
Social Security

Apply for an SSIN number in 4 steps


Scan the required documents and upload them

Identification data

Fill in the requested personal data

Address data

Supply your employee’s residency data


You will soon receive your SSIN number

Start the application

Do you have your employee’s identification documents (a valid passport, identity card or driving licence) and address data at hand? Then you are ready to go.

Apply for an SSIN number

Download the manual

How to apply for an SSIN number? Here is a convenient step-by-step overview.


Frequently asked questions